Investing in yourself is not selfish. When you invest in yourself and your personal growth, you enhance your life by taking responsibility for your future and happiness. Today, I’m sharing some tips on how you can and should invest in yourself. Have a morning routineHaving a morning routine could help transform your entire day. To […]
Find out more ›Did you know that vitamin D is also called ‘the sunshine vitamin’? When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D from cholesterol. The sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells, providing the energy for vitamin D synthesis to occur. It’s also found in certain foods such as fatty fish […]
Find out more ›Are you struggling with your weight? Are you wakening up groggy? Are you getting sick a lot? Are you experiencing brain fog?
Find out more ›If there was ever a reason to improve your digestive health, this is it! Yes, it’s true. Your gut is considered your “second brain.” There have been new scientific discoveries about the vagus nerve and the enteric nervous system. Researchers have found a connection between gut microbes the brain. What exactly is the gut-brain connection? […]
Find out more ›Are you falling asleep at 3 in the afternoon then wide awake when you go to bed at night? Do you suffer from brain fog? Do you struggle with mid section weight gain? Do you feel your nutrition is off track?
Find out more ›In times of stress, the adrenal glands release cortisol around the body as part of the ‘fight-or-flight’ response. This is important as it prepares our bodies to react to a perceived danger. The problem, however, is that our modern lifestyles with work pressures, smart phones and long hours make it harder to switch off, causing a stress-response in our bodies even when we are not in any danger. This long-term stress can have a detrimental effect on our health.
Find out more ›Stress occurs in us all. It’s natural for our bodies to react to any kind of threat—be it physical, mental, or emotional. We are all so busy all of the time that it is only human to feel stressed every now and then. However, stress becomes more problematic when it starts to effect your day-to-day […]
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