Tips for stress reduction
Are you falling asleep at 3 in the afternoon then wide awake when you go to bed at night?
Do you suffer from brain fog?
Do you struggle with mid section weight gain?
Do you feel your nutrition is off track?
Try these 4 simple tips…
1. Try to develop good sleep hygiene.
- go to bed at the same time every night, get up a the same time every morning.
- No blue lights an hour before bed (TV, phone, tablet etc)
- Keep a journal and every night before bed write everything down, i.e. to do list in order of importance, what happened today that was good, things you are thankful for.
- Listen to some mediation i.e. headspace.
- Sleep in a bat cave (dark room)
2. Connect with nature
- When possible get outside. Go for a walk and connect with nature. If you live near a beach, forest or park take advantage of it.
- Take your dog for a walk. Breath, take time out to enjoy your surroundings.
3. Identify your ‘time eaters’
- Is it social media that takes up too much of your time? Put a block on it to stop yourself looking at it for 1hour or longer. There are apps you can use to block social media sites for your chosen time.
- Is it friends or work colleagues? Remove yourself from negative situations and people.
- Are you just being ‘active’ instead of ‘productive’? Ask yourself ‘does this need done now’, ‘is this helping me or causing me more stress’, ‘can someone else do this for me’, what’s the worst thing that’s going to happen if I don’t get it done’. ‘How good will I feel after I go to that exercise class’
4. Eat well
- Cut down or cut out the sugar, alcohol, high carb foods.
- Take a couple of hours on a Sunday and prep your food so when stressful situations arise you can cope better as you have good nutrition at hand.
- Cut out processed foods.
- Try to eat organic where possible.
- Drink 2 litres of filtered or bottled of water a day.
Are you on a lot of medication? Go see your GP and get it reviewed.
When possible get outside. Go for a walk, take your shoes off and connect with the ground. If you live near a beach, take advantage of it.
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