Investing in yourself is not selfish. When you invest in yourself and your personal growth, you enhance your life by taking responsibility for your future and happiness.
Investing in yourself is not selfish. When you invest in yourself and your personal growth, you enhance your life by taking responsibility for your future and happiness.
Today, I’m sharing some tips on how you can and should invest in yourself.
Have a morning routine
Having a morning routine could help transform your entire day. To implement this, try waking up 20 minutes earlier and focus on starting your day with some ‘me’ time. Perhaps, do a workout, go for a walk, meditate or read a chapter of an inspiring book.
Engage with positive people
Negative people drain your energy, your mood and your motivation. A positive person is optimistic, sees the good in life, joy in simple things, is content and understands can provide empowering perspectives. Your worth is enhanced when you surround yourself with positive people. They will add value to your life and elevate your mood.
Measure your progress
Keeping track and measuring your progress is the only way you will know whether you are moving in the right direction. I use the Lean PD app to keep track of my daily achievements. It also reminds me to take time out to do the self-care I want to achieve during my busy days.
Create a reward system for yourself
You are your biggest cheerleader! Being able to set goals and see them through is an enormous achievement. Once you set action plans around your personal development and complete these, reward yourself for a job well done. Ideally, your rewards would not be food-related but might be something like a new bottle of perfume, a treatment or a night at the movies.
Consistency is key in personal growth or personal development. It does not happen overnight and has to be done deliberately. When you are consistent, it will create meaningful change, and eventually those changes will become a lifestyle that will ripple out through your friends and family circle. Investing in yourself is not selfish!
Back to blog ›Investing in yourself is not selfish. When you invest in yourself and your personal growth, you enhance your life by taking responsibility for your future and happiness.